约翰-弗莱维尔 JohnFlavel
约翰-弗莱维尔 John Flavel
John Flavel (1627–1691) was an English Presbyterian clergyman and author.
He was born at Bromsgrove, Worcestershire and studied at Oxford.
Ordained as a Presbyterian in 1650, though later a Congregationalist, he held livings at Diptford (in Devon) and Dartmouth.
He was ejected from the latter as a result of the Great Ejection of 1662; however, he continued to preach there secretly.
After the Declaration of Indulgence 1687, he became a minister of a Nonconformist Church there.
He died at Exeter, Devonshire, on 26 June 1691.
- Sermons from John Flavel 约翰-弗拉维尔的布道
- The Life and Influence of John Flavel 约翰-弗拉维尔的生平与影响
- Of Christ's Humiliation - "Wherein did Christ's humiliation consist?" 关于基督的屈辱--"基督的屈辱体现在哪里?
- "What do the Scriptures principally teach?" "《圣经》主要教导什么?"
- Christ Altogether Lovely 可爱的基督
- Of Three Person in the Godhead - "How many Persons are there in the Godhead?" 关于神格中的三位一体--"神格中有几个位格?
- The Task of Seeking God's Mysterious Will 寻求上帝神秘旨意的任务
- The Admirable Love of God in Giving his Own Son for Us - John 3:16 上帝为我们献出亲生儿子的大爱令人钦佩--《约翰福音》3:16
- "Did all Mankind fall in Adam's first transgression?" "全人类都在亚当的第一次犯罪中堕落了吗?"
- Of Christ's Prophetical Office - "How doth Christ execute the office of a prophet?" 关于基督的先知职责--"基督是如何履行先知职责的?
- Of Christ's Kingly Office - "How doth Christ execute the office of a king?" 关于基督的王权--"基督如何行使王权?
- The Solemn Consecration and Nature of the Mediator 庄严祝圣与中保的性质
- The Covenant of Redemption between the Father and the Redeemer 天父与救赎主之间的救赎之约
- The Will of God and the Gospel Offer 上帝的旨意和福音书
- A Display of Christ 基督的展示
- How Doth Christ Execute the Office of a Priest? 基督如何履行祭司的职责?
- The Adorable Love of God in Giving His Own Son for Us 上帝为我们献出亲生儿子的可爱之爱
- Of Christ’s Wonderful Person 基督的伟大人格
- Which is the first commandment? 哪一条是第一诫?
- Of the Second Commandment 关于第二条诫命
- Which is the third commandment? 哪一条是第三条诫命?
- Which is the fourth commandment? 哪一条是第四诫?
- How is the Sabbath to he sanctified? 如何使安息日成圣?
- Which is the fifth commandment? 哪一条是第五诫?
- Which is the sixth commandment? 哪一条是第六诫?
- Which is the seventh commandment? 哪一条是第七诫?
- Which is the eighth commandment? 哪一条是第八诫?
- Which is the ninth commandment? 哪一条是第九诫?
- Which is the tenth commandment? 哪一条是第十诫?
- The Lord God Formed Man out of the Dust of the Ground 上帝用地上的尘土造人
- The Wheat and the Tares 麦子和稗子
- What is God? 上帝是什么?
- The Work of Conversion 皈依工作
- The Mystery of Providence 天意的奥秘
- Of the Imitation of Christ in Holiness of Life, and the Necessity of it in Believers 在圣洁的生活中效法基督,以及信徒的必要性
- Jesus Christ exercises a Kingly Power Over the Souls of All Whom the Gospel Subdues to His Obedience 耶稣基督对福音所征服的所有人的灵魂行使王权
- God is Greatly to be Feared in the Assembly of His Saints 在圣徒的聚会中,神是非常值得敬畏的
- What doth the preface of the Lord's prayer teach us? 主祷文的序言教导我们什么?
- Of the Manner of Christ's Incarnation 基督道成肉身的方式
- The Christian View of Death 基督教的死亡观
- Of Christ's Incarnation - "How did Christ, being the Son of God, become man?" 关于基督道成肉身--"基督作为神的儿子,是如何成为人的?
- What Is Sanctification? - "What is sanctification?" 什么是圣化?
- "What rule hath God given to direct us, how we may glorify and enjoy him?" "上帝给了我们什么准则,指引我们如何荣耀他、享受他?"
- Keeping the Heart 保持本心
- Of the Conditionality of the New Covenant. 关于新约的条件性。
- A Reply to Baptist Hypercalvinism on the Covenant of Grace 就恩典之约回答浸礼会的超加尔文主义
- "What are God's works of providence?" "上帝的天意是什么?"
- "What is the chief end of man?" "人的主要目的是什么?"
- The Holiness Of God 上帝的圣洁
- A display of Christ in his essential and mediatorial glory (Part IV) 基督本质和中保荣耀的展示(第四部分)
- The Nature and necessity of the Priesthood of Christ 基督圣职的性质和必要性
- A Display of Christ - The Nature of Christ's Mediation (Part II) 基督的展示--基督中保的性质(第二部分)
- A Display of Christ - The first Branch of Christ's Prophetic Office (Part III) 基督的展示--基督先知职分的第一个分支(第三部分)
- Saving Faith 拯救信仰
- Christ's Example to Children who would be Christians towards their Parents 基督为愿意成为基督徒的子女对父母做出的榜样
- A Special Warning to Hypocrites and Formal Professors 对伪君子和形式教授的特别警告
- Are there more Gods than one? 神不止一个吗?
- Is any man able perfectly to keep the commandments of God? 有人能完全遵守上帝的诫命吗?
- How doth Christ execute the office of a king? 基督如何履行国王的职责?
- How doth Christ execute the office of a prophet? 基督如何履行先知的职责?
- Christ's Prophetical Office 基督的先知职责
- The Effectual Application of Christ to the Soul 基督在灵魂中的有效应用
- Christ the Desire of All Nations 基督是万民的向往
- The General Nature of Effectual Application Stated 说明有效应用的一般性质
- The Resurrection of Christ and its influences upon the Saints Resurrection 基督复活及其对圣徒复活的影响
- Gospel Unity - 1 Corinthians 1:10 福音的统一--《哥林多前书》1:10
- Keeping in the Heart In Seasons of Abuse from Others 在遭受他人虐待的季节保持本心
- The Intercession of Christ our High-Priest 大祭司基督的代祷
- Eternal Justification? 永恒的正义?
- How to Meditate on the Providence of God 如何默想上帝的旨意
- Of the Imitation of Christ in Holiness of Life, and the Necessity of it in Believers, Part 2 在圣洁生活中效法基督,以及信徒的必要性,第 2 部分
- Of the Salvation of God's Elect, and of the Covenant of Grace 关于上帝选民的救赎和恩典之约
- Of God’s Wisdom 上帝的智慧
- The Character of a Complete Evangelical Pastor, Drawn by Christ 被基督吸引的完全福音派牧师的品格
- "What are the decrees of God?" "上帝的法令是什么?"
- Works of John Flavel vol 1 of 8 (32.4 MB) 《约翰-弗拉维尔作品集》第 1 卷,共 8 册
- Works of John Flavel vol 2 of 8 (32.9 MB) 《约翰-弗拉维尔作品集》第 2 卷之 8
- Works of John Flavel vol 3 of 8 (34.6 MB) 《约翰-弗拉维尔作品集》第 3 卷之 8
- Works of John Flavel vol 4 of 8 (32.2 MB) 《约翰-弗拉维尔作品集》第 4 卷,共 8 页
- Works of John Flavel vol 5 of 8 (37MB) 《约翰-弗拉维尔作品集》第 5 卷,共 8 页
- Works of John Flavel vol 6 of 8 (31.4 MB) 《约翰-弗拉维尔作品集》第 6 卷,共 8 册
- Works of John Flavel vol 7 of 8 (33.1 MB) 《约翰-弗拉维尔作品集》第 7 卷,共 8 册
- Works of John Flavel vol 8 of 8 (36.6 MB) 约翰-弗拉维尔作品集第八卷 (36.6 MB)
- How can the Mosaic Covenant be part of the Covenant of Grace if it Required Perfect Obedence? 如果摩西之约要求完全服从,那么它怎么能成为恩典之约的一部分呢?
- The Faithfulness of God 上帝的信实
- Precious Blood 宝血